Among the Verses

God’s Complete Understanding
of Me

Published Monday, June 3, 2024

God’s Complete Understanding
of Me

Exploring the Depths of God’s Omniscience, Omnipresence, and Omnipotence Through Psalm 139 (1 of 4 in Series)

Understanding that God knows us intimately and comprehensively is a profound and comforting truth, beautifully articulated in Psalm 139. This message explores the depths of God’s knowledge, revealing how His omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence impact our lives. It reassures us that we are fully known and loved by a God who is not distant but intimately involved in every aspect of our existence. Recognizing this truth is crucial because it provides us with a sense of security and purpose, knowing that the Creator of the universe cares deeply about each of us. As we delve into the key points, we will discover how this intimate knowledge of God shapes our identity and guides us through life.

Psalm 139:1–6

O Yahweh, You have searched me and known me.
You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
You understand my thought from afar.
You scrutinize my path and my lying down,
And are intimately acquainted with all my ways.
Even before there is a word on my tongue,
Behold, O Yahweh, You know it all.
You have enclosed me behind and before,
And put Your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
It is too high, I cannot attain to it.

God’s Omniscience

God’s omniscience is a central theme in Psalm 139:1–6. This passage emphasizes that God’s knowledge of us is not just general but deeply personal. David starts by acknowledging that God has searched and known him. This search is not a superficial glance but an intimate and thorough examination. God knows us better than we know ourselves, which is both a humbling and comforting realization.In verse 2, David highlights that God knows when he sits down and when he rises up. This implies that God is aware of our daily activities and routines. Every mundane detail of our lives is known to Him. This knowledge extends beyond mere observation; God discerns our thoughts from afar. He understands our motivations and the reasons behind our actions.The Psalmist continues in verse 3, stating that God scrutinizes his path and lying down and is intimately acquainted with all his ways. This means that God knows where we go, our destinations, and our resting places. Whether we are active or at rest, God’s awareness of us is constant and comprehensive.David marvels in verse 4 that even before a word is on his tongue, God knows it altogether. This foreknowledge of our speech underscores the depth of God’s understanding. Our conversations, whether public or private, are fully known to Him. This awareness is not just about the words themselves but the intentions and thoughts behind them.

God’s Omnipresence

Moving to verses 7–12, the focus shifts to God’s omnipresence. David asks rhetorically where he can go from God’s Spirit or flee from His presence. The answer is nowhere. God’s presence is inescapable, whether we ascend to heaven or make our bed in the grave. This truth is a source of immense comfort, knowing that we are never alone.Verses 8–10 expand on this, depicting God’s presence even in the most extreme locations — the heavens, the depths, and the farthest parts of the sea. No matter where life takes us, God’s hand will lead us, and His right hand will hold us. This divine companionship is a constant reassurance in times of uncertainty and fear.David further reflects in verses 11–12 that even darkness is not dark to God; the night is as bright as the day. This imagery illustrates that there are no hidden places from God. Our darkest moments and deepest fears are fully known to Him, and He provides light and guidance even in those times.

God’s Omnipotence in Creation

Verses 13–16 celebrate God’s omnipotence, particularly in our creation. David praises God for forming his inward parts and knitting him together in his mother’s womb. This acknowledgment of being fearfully and wonderfully made highlights the intricate care and intentionality behind our existence.David’s declaration in verse 14 that he is fearfully and wonderfully made is a powerful affirmation of God’s craftsmanship. Each person is a unique creation, designed with purpose and care. This understanding fosters a deep sense of worth and dignity.In verse 16, David reflects that God’s eyes saw his unformed substance and that all his days were written in God’s book before they came to be. This divine foreknowledge extends to the entirety of our lives, affirming that nothing about us is accidental or unknown to God.

God’s Omnipotence in Creation

Verse 5 provides a beautiful image of God’s protection: “You have enclosed me behind and before, And put Your hand upon me.” This enclosing by God is not restrictive but protective, ensuring that we are safeguarded from harm. God’s hand upon us symbolizes His guidance and support through all of life’s journeys.This protective imagery can be likened to a shepherd, echoing the experiences of historical figures like Jim Elliot who trusted in God’s protection even in the face of danger. This trust in God’s sovereignty and care allows us to face life’s challenges with confidence and peace.

God’s Justice

In verses 19–22, David’s tone shifts as he calls for God to slay the wicked. This plea reflects a trust in God’s righteous judgment. David’s hatred for those who oppose God underscores his commitment to God’s holiness and justice.David’s confidence in God’s justice is a reminder that we can rely on God to address the wrongs in the world. His righteous judgment ensures that evil does not go unpunished, and we can find solace in His ultimate authority.

Self-examination and Surrender

The Psalm concludes with a plea for self-examination in verses 23–24: “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way.” David’s invitation for God to search him highlights a desire for personal holiness and alignment with God’s will.This call for God’s scrutiny is not out of fear but a genuine desire to be led in the way everlasting. It reflects a commitment to growth and transformation, allowing God’s intimate knowledge to guide and refine us.Understanding that we are fully known and loved by God provides immense comfort and security. This message on Psalm 139 encourages us to embrace this truth, allowing it to shape our identity and guide us through life. As we reflect on the profound implications of God’s intimate knowledge of us, we are reminded to trust in His care and to seek His guidance in every aspect of our lives.

(Scripture quotations taken from the (LSB®) Legacy Standard Bible®, Copyright © 2021 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote information visit

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